The Global Porous Technology (GPT) model is a framework that helps businesses identify and prioritize areas of improvement in their operations. It’s based on three main components: an understanding of current performance, an understanding of ideal performance and an analysis of the gap between the two. The GPT model can be used across different industries and fields to improve profitability, productivity and efficiency.

What is GPT?

GPT is a model for assessing the needs of a business. It is based on the idea that businesses have three main components: people, processes and technology. GPT helps determine which areas need improvement so you can make changes to improve your organization’s performance. GPT can be used by businesses to evaluate their needs, goals and challenges concerning these three components.

The Three Main Components

The GPT model has three main components. The first is the core, which represents an organization’s internal structure and processes. The second is an interface between the core and its environment, which includes everything that affects it or could affect it, like external factors such as competitor’s actions or economic conditions in general. Finally, there’s an environment that surrounds the organization at large; this includes all of its external influences, like market conditions and regulations affecting your industry, as well as more abstract things, like cultural norms or political trends that could impact how people respond to certain features of products you offer them.

Common Applications

The GPT model has proven to be effective in a variety of industries and fields; a few are mentioned here:

  • Construction Industry: It has been used to create 3D models of buildings before they are built. This allows architects and builders to verify their plans are accurate before erecting any physical structures. 
  • Oil & Gas: The oil and gas industry also uses GPT for mapping and exploration purposes, allowing workers onsite to accurately locate wells that have already been drilled so they can easily find their way around without getting lost or confused by their surroundings.
  • Mining Industry: The mining industry uses GPT extensively as well. Miners use GPS technology when exploring new areas where there aren’t any roads yet; this ensures they don’t get lost while travelling through rough terrain while also helping them keep track of exactly how far they’ve come so far during each trip into remote areas where cell service may not always be available (or even exist).
  • Automotive industry: Automotive manufacturers have been using GPS technology since 2004 – but only recently did we start seeing widespread adoption across all major car brands due to cost reductions over time due, primarily in part because smartphones became popular among consumers. 
  • ChatGPT: ChatGPT is an excellent way for your business to understand its needs, goals and challenges better.
  • Customer service: GPT can be used to understand your customer’s needs, goals and challenges. Once you have identified these areas, you can choose the most appropriate solution for each problem. 
  • SWOT Analysis: GPT also allows businesses to gain insight into their capabilities through self-assessment exercises such as SWOT analysis, PESTEL analysis, and more, which provide an overview of internal strengths and weaknesses relative to external factors affecting the organization’s operations
  • Language Generation: GPT-3 can generate human-like text based on a given prompt or input. It can generate coherent essays, articles, stories, and code in multiple programming languages.
  • Machine Translation: GPT-3 can translate text from one language to another. It can effectively handle language pairs it has been trained on and can produce reasonably accurate translations.
  • Text Summarization: GPT-3 can summarize long text passages into concise summaries. It can identify the main points and critical information and generate a condensed version of the original text.
  • Question Answering: GPT-3 can understand questions and provide relevant answers based on its training data. It can provide factual solutions, explain concepts, and even perform reasoning tasks.
  • Conversational AI: GPT-3 can engage in interactive and dynamic conversations. It can respond to user queries, converse on a particular topic, and provide information or opinions.
  • Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: GPT-3 can power chatbot applications and virtual assistants. It can understand user inputs, provide responses, and assist with scheduling, information retrieval, and recommendations.
  • Language Understanding: GPT-3 can comprehend and analyze the meaning of the text. It can extract entities, classify text, and perform sentiment analysis.
  • Creative Writing: GPT-3 can assist with creative writing tasks. It can provide suggestions, help brainstorm ideas, and generate content in various styles or tones.
  • Code Generation: GPT-3 can generate code snippets in multiple programming languages. It can assist with coding tasks, provide examples, and help with programming-related questions.
  • Simulations and Games: GPT-3 can simulate characters or game worlds, allowing for interactive storytelling, game development, and immersive experiences.

Benefits of GPT

A variety of organizations and industries use GPT. It can be applied to address a variety of challenges, including:

  • Business strategy and planning
  • Marketing and advertising decisions
  • Product development and design

At Divwy Technologies, we use GPT to help you determine the best course of action for your business by evaluating opportunities, risks and resources available to you to make informed decisions about your future direction.


ChatGPT is an excellent way for your business to understand its needs, goals and challenges better. GPT has immense protentional in various industries and can help you gain the upper edge. Consulting a professional software development firm like Divwy Technologies is the best way forward for next-generation solutions. TechnologiesInternet MarketingWhat are the capabilities of GPT programming?,What are the capabilities of GPT?,What is the overview of GPT?,Why gpt is most useful?The Global Porous Technology (GPT) model is a framework that helps businesses identify and prioritize areas of improvement in their operations. It's based on three main components: an understanding of current performance, an understanding of ideal performance and an analysis of the gap between the two. The GPT model...